Notes from Discussion April 25 at Sac State

Please review and make comments about these notes from the discussion April 25, 2008. Thanks!

Goal #1:

•Strategy – Hire instructors who are speaking the right language and have innovative ideas
–Tactic – Job description to reflect the goal (hard and soft skills)
–Tactic – Appointment letters reflecting the goal
•Strategy – Help instructors stay current in technology/computer standards and professional development as related to business needs
–Tactic – Offer release time each year to stay current
–Tactic – Bring industry in to give tech sessions and show new technologies
–Tactic – Creating faculty workload models to support the goal
•Strategy – Keep good, exciting instructors by developing retention programs
–Tactic – Reward faculty involvement with students
–Tactic – Encourage/mandate timely curriculum revision
–Tactic – (TIME article)

Goal #2:
•Strategy – Opportunity for CS/CIS to become a support discipline for all disciplines
–Tactic – Use IDEAL model for CS/CIS
–Tactic – Embed CS/CIS in disciplines that need it
•Strategy – Colleges should require CS/CIS as an introductory course for all students
–Tactic – Make CS/CIS required GE
–Tactic -
•Strategy – Computing taught as a essential skill for all students
–Tactic - Make CS/CIS required GE
•Strategy – Develop a new common language to explain opportunities, “real world” applications of computing in society
–Tactic – Provide seminar courses that require students to research and write papers and present application of computers in industry

Goal #3:

•trategy – Create earlier interest in K-12
–Tactic – Seamless integration between K-12 curriculum and CC curriculum
–Tactic – Outreach through various means to K-12
•Strategy – Provide incentives to industry and faculty members
–Tactic – Release time (or reallocate) to enable
–Tactic – Provide incentives for industry to be involved with local colleges
•Strategy – Administration needs to consistently support and promote science and technology
–Tactic – Increase FTE
•Strategy – (#11) – could not be resolved – too broad

Goal #4:

•Strategy – Awareness – people do not know about CS/CIS and the relationship with the real world
•Strategy – Create a positive image of CS/CIS
•Strategy – How can CIS/CS be used in all areas of life and work
•Strategy – Improve retention for existing CS/CIS students and encourage potential students

This is still a work in progress and we will continue this work on May 23rd at our next meeting at Folsom Lake College, 10AM. Looking forward to getting your ideas recorded!

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