Posted On Wednesday, January 30, 2008 at at 1/30/2008 03:18:00 PM by L SantoroFollow this link for statistics related to employment in California:
State employment will reach almost 20 million jobs by 2025.
Employment will shift from manufacturing to service-related industries.
California’s future economy will likely prove less taxing on infrastructure.
Education needs of the workforce will rise substantially.
Workforce education needs exceed projected educational attainment.
The full report and press release are available on the PPIC website:
Thanks to Sandy Feder for pointing us to this data provided by the:
PUBLIC POLICY INSTITUTE OF CALIFORNIA; 500 Washington Street, Suite 600; San Francisco, CA 94111; tel 415-291-4455 ; fax 415-291-4428; web
CPATH Advisory Board Meeting-February 1, 2008
Posted On Tuesday, January 29, 2008 at at 1/29/2008 11:44:00 AM by L SantoroPlease mark your calendars for the next CPATH Grant Advisory Board Meeting:
B. Suggestions for panelists (There are two confirmed panel members: Emir Macari and Dan Francisco)
Steering Committee Meeting January 25, 2008
Posted On at at 1/29/2008 10:54:00 AM by L SantoroA small group of CPATH Grant members met on January 25th at Folsom Lake College to discuss further details regarding the upcoming Symposium on March 28th.
A summary of the discussion:
I. The group determined that 60 to 65 attendees at the Symposium would be an effective number.
II. Various sources of attendees were suggested.
III. Agenda Items for this coming Friday's (Feb. 1) Advisory Board Meeting
For complete minutes of today's meeting please click:
For New Readers to our CPATH BLOG
Posted On at at 1/29/2008 10:46:00 AM by L SantoroIf you are new to our CPATH Blog, please keep reading for a summary of what we are all about, as well as a description of what will take place at our Symposium on March 28, 2008:
The CPATH grant is a National Science Foundation project focused on revitalizing undergraduate computer education. Since last summer, a dedicated group of educators, students and private industry representatives have worked on plans to provide an approach to offering computer education which is attractive to students, relevant to industry and interdisciplinary in nature. We believe that the future of computer education lies in continued dialogue and partnership between these groups.
The CPATH activity thus far has included the work of a steering committee, an advisory board and seminar groups, working to sift through the various issues that both created and sustain the problems computer education currently faces: demand for these skills in the workplace continues to rise, while enrollment in related college classes is flat or declining. NSF funded a small number of partnerships for one year of planning activity, with a view to creating a plan that will raise computer and technology education to a place of prominence in college and university offerings.
The CPATH Symposium event, held in Folsom at Intel's Campus on Prairie City Road March 28, 2008 from 7:30am-noon, is an opportunity to become informed about and involved in this project. A keynote speaker, panel of experts and group discussion will form the basis of the CPATH project’s work throughout the 2007-08 academic year. More information is available on the CPATH BLOG at or by contacting Gary D. Hartley, Dean of Instruction and Technology, Folsom Lake College.
Phone: 916.608.6615
Gary D. Hartley
Dean, Instruction and Technology
Folsom Lake College
See the San Francisco Chronicle Article
Posted On Monday, January 28, 2008 at at 1/28/2008 08:06:00 AM by L SantoroClick this link to read "Flagging economy needs science investments" :
Feel free to post comments in response to this post!
(Thanks, Dan for sending this our way.)
Symposium Planning....January 11, 2008
Posted On Sunday, January 27, 2008 at at 1/27/2008 05:19:00 PM by L SantoroPlease click the link to the right (blue panel under "Meeting Notes") for a detailed description of today's planning session.
Summary of today's discussion:
I. Schedule proposed
II. Some suggestions for keynote speaker....please email Gary, Omid, Walt or Sandy with more suggestions
III. Invitees limited to 60 or 70; coming from various groups for a good cross section
IV. Panel members--who? what is the goal?
Next planning meeting will take place January 25th at FLC, Aspen Hall, Room 8, 10AM
Agenda for Friday, January 11, 2008
Posted On Tuesday, January 8, 2008 at at 1/08/2008 02:03:00 PM by L Santoro10:00am FL1-08
Objective: Planning for the symposium
1) Welcome and Introductions
2) Advisory Board Meetings
3) Symposium Planning
.......a. Speaker selection
.......b. Invitees
..........· #1 – Members invite network contacts
..........·#2 – Members target specific connections in the field and invite them
.........· #3 – Earmark Grant contact list
.........· #4- Goal of ~50-60 invitees
.......c.Panel Discussion
...........· Who are the “heavy hitters” that are available
...........· Intel IT inclusion
...........· Other members involved
.......d. Group Work
..............· Centered around the four goals
.............· Plan implementation
4) Matrix GAP Analysis
........a. Current vs. Desired State GAP Analysis worksheet
........b. Work conducted prior to the symposium
.........c. Work completed during the symposium
.........d. Work and feedback provided post symposium
5) New Business
6) Adjournment
January 4th Meeting postponed to January 11th
Posted On Wednesday, January 2, 2008 at at 1/02/2008 01:46:00 PM by L SantoroSorry, we have cancelled the January 4th meeting because of inclement weather conditions. We WILL meet next Friday January 11th at Folsom Lake College, Aspen Hall Rm 008 at 10AM.
Please join us:
January 11th, 10AM
Folsom Lake College, Aspen Hall, Rm 8
Purpose: Symposium Planning Session
We look forward to seeing you there!
The CPATH Group