Agenda for Friday, January 11, 2008
Posted On Tuesday, January 8, 2008 at at 1/08/2008 02:03:00 PM by L Santoro10:00am FL1-08
Objective: Planning for the symposium
1) Welcome and Introductions
2) Advisory Board Meetings
3) Symposium Planning
.......a. Speaker selection
.......b. Invitees
..........· #1 – Members invite network contacts
..........·#2 – Members target specific connections in the field and invite them
.........· #3 – Earmark Grant contact list
.........· #4- Goal of ~50-60 invitees
.......c.Panel Discussion
...........· Who are the “heavy hitters” that are available
...........· Intel IT inclusion
...........· Other members involved
.......d. Group Work
..............· Centered around the four goals
.............· Plan implementation
4) Matrix GAP Analysis
........a. Current vs. Desired State GAP Analysis worksheet
........b. Work conducted prior to the symposium
.........c. Work completed during the symposium
.........d. Work and feedback provided post symposium
5) New Business
6) Adjournment