Important Meeting Friday March 7, 2008

Hi, CPATH Participants,

If you are part of the advisory board for the CPATH Grant, please plan on attending the next two meetings, March 7th and March 14th at 10AM at Folsom Lake College, in Aspen Hall, Room 8, next to Gary’s office.

The Agenda for this Friday, March 7, is to finalize “Nuts & Bolts” for the March 28th Symposium, including reports on the Symposium activities thus far, e.g., attendees, security, event planning, and publicity through local media outlets. Scott Crow, our FLC PIO will be on hand for the latter. We will also discuss in detail our March 14th agenda, which will be centered on orientation for our speakers, panelists, group facilitators, recorders and event managers.

We look forward to seeing you on Friday.

Thanks for all your contributions!

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