The Global STEM Imperative
Posted On Friday, April 4, 2008 at at 4/04/2008 04:50:00 PM by L Santoro"The more recent goals—to internationalize colleges and universities and promote global citizenship for students—have occurred coincidentally with the realization that U.S. students are becoming less interested in preparing for careers in the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields. Just as there is a plethora of documents devoted to the education of students to work in a global world, there is an equivalent number of reports addressing the needs to create a broader pipeline of students interested in STEM fields, to enhance the number of well-qualified teachers in the STEM disciplines, and to promote a greater understanding of how essential these fields are to the future of society and to the national and global economies."
For the complete article © 2008 Karen A. Holbrook in EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 43, no. 2 (March/April 2008) please follow this link: