Questions for our Subject Matter Expert Interview
Posted On Monday, October 12, 2009 at at 10/12/2009 06:10:00 AM by Phil TierneyIn Friday's meeting, Bernard asked me to pose this question to the team. You will recall that the steering committee is planning on identifying and interviewing subject matter expert(s) on computational thinking, the concept. So here's my question:
- CT clearly requires an interdisciplinary approach to reshaping educational programs to establish and reinforce CT foundational knowledge and skills. Can you imagine ways in which this would be done in a non-computer science domain without directly introducing the vocabulary of computer science or CT? That is, would you consider fifth graders' (or college business students' for that matter) demonstration of the ability to deconstruct a problem or to design a parallel problem solution strategy sufficient evidence of direct impact on educational results?
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I listened again to the Peckham interview with John Udell yesterday. Some really interesting stuff there, and I think it important that we not retread what they talked about in our VTC with Joan next week. That said, my question is how we move legitimately from CT as a CS concept to CT as a cross-disciplinary concept... there must be a way to navigate this narrow, rocky channel!