Advisory Board Meeting Notes 9.17.07
Posted On Tuesday, September 18, 2007 at at 9/18/2007 11:38:00 AM by L SantoroIntroduction
1) (Von joined the team today)
2) Introduction to all team members
Main Focus:
1) Seminar Group Structure – times, dates and objectives of the next sessions
2) Potential Topics of Discussion
a. Student Preparation: 1) Accelerate the learning process 2) Have business partner input
b. Enrollment Prevention: 1) What is keeping students from enrolling in CIS? 2) How are we marketing the programs?
c. Instructor Needs: 1) From the industry 2) In general
3)What is taught, how it is taught, who is teaching it?
d. Multigenerational Learning Styles: 1) How do they differ?
e. Transferability: 1)Education vs. Training 2) Minimum Qual Issues
3)How do we make it appealing? Early on?
f. Enrollment & Scheduling
g. Interdisciplinary Interaction: 1) Boundaries becoming blurred
2) Creation of new opportunities 3) New "niche" areas
h. Partnerships: 1) Between segments 2) How do we produce more grads?
i. Pathways: 1) How does this work? 2) What do students need to complete?
3) How do young students fit in?
j. Definition of “technology”: 1) “Shifting the thought process” of students
k. Work Force Ready: 1) How to service the industry?
3) Friday Session
a. Large Group facilitation – Stu
b. “ICER” Champions potentially chosen for the sub-groups in the next session